Child-to-Parent Violence Resources


Support for parents with a violent child.

Dealing with a violent child can be incredibly tough, and I understand the challenges you’re facing as a parent. If you’re seeking support for parents dealing with a child’s violent behavior, I’m here to help. As an experienced licensed therapist specializing in this area, I want to provide you with guidance and assistance as you navigate this difficult journey.

Understanding Child-to-Parent Violence

Child-to-parent violence, or CPV, is a distressing issue that many parents encounter. It involves a range of aggressive behaviors displayed by a child or adolescent towards their parent or caregiver. Recognizing that this is not a reflection of your parenting skills is crucial. Various factors, such as underlying mental health issues or exposure to violence, can contribute to CPV.

Seeking Professional Help for Parents

When dealing with a violent child, seeking professional help is vital for parents like you. A licensed therapist with expertise in this area can offer invaluable guidance, support, and specialized interventions to address the root causes of your child’s behavior. These professionals can also help you develop effective strategies for de-escalating conflicts, setting appropriate boundaries, and improving communication within your family.

Importance of Self-Care for Parents

As a parent, it is essential to prioritize self-care and your own emotional well-being when dealing with a violent child. Taking time for yourself and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation can make a significant difference. Incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or pursuing enjoyable hobbies. Remember, by taking care of yourself, you will be better equipped to support your child effectively.

Developing a Safety Plan

To ensure the safety of both you and your child, it is crucial to create a comprehensive safety plan. Begin by identifying safe spaces within your home where you can retreat during moments of conflict. It is also essential to have a list of emergency contacts readily available, including helplines, therapists, and trusted friends or family members who can offer support during crisis situations. Familiarize yourself with local resources and support services, such as shelters or support groups, available in your community.


Establishing clear boundaries and consequences is a fundamental aspect of any safety plan. Communicate these boundaries calmly and assertively to your child. Consistency in enforcing consequences for violent behavior, while also promoting positive reinforcement for non-violent and respectful actions, is crucial.


If you’re a parent seeking support for dealing with a violent child, know that you’re not alone. By reaching out to a licensed therapist specializing in this area, you can receive the guidance and support tailored to your unique situation. Remember to prioritize your well-being, seek professional help, and develop a comprehensive safety plan. 

Additionally, I encourage you to explore our collection of blogs below on our website, where you can find additional resources, insights, and support to assist you further. Together, we can navigate through this challenging time and empower you with the tools and knowledge to create a healthier and happier family dynamic. Stay strong, and know that positive change is possible with the right support.

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